Thursday, December 8, 2016

this is Usain's track in Jamaica at the University Of The West Indeis. 
this is their fun run.
this is Prince Harry and Usain Bolt. this is the prince first visit to Jamaica and his first visit to meet the world's fastest man. 
This is a artistic piece of the university.
this is a picture of the University Of The West Indies In Jamaica (U.W.I).

Friday, December 2, 2016

me and my (Boobi)...
two beautiful twins.
my friend.
pretty baby
my aunt.
this is blood or a friend
my wonderful Baby Girl...
very gorgeous 
this is my beautiful care giver.

Monday, November 21, 2016

these are buildings in down town Rochester NY. this is a very busy place with: walkers, joggers, motorcylist and drivers.
this is a sitting area in a park, where one ones or families go to chill.
this is a musseum in Rochester NY. 
this is down town/ Rochester NY. here you can see buidings and a stop light(s) in the mix.
this is a gas station in Rochester NY. to drive you have top have gas, so alot of drivers go here to load their tanks.
this is a transit centre/bus station in Rochester NY. Person are standing and waiting on there respective buses. this is where i go at times to take bus to go to my respective place/whereabouts 
this is a building and tress with the sun ray/light shinning on them, as the sun is on its way to set.
this is a side walk in Rochester NY.
this is some ones drive way in Rochester NY. 
this is the inside of a supermarket in Rochester NY. my grant aunt loves to shop for meat and groceries here 
this is where i call the (Food Home Of Rochester NY) i loving to shop here.
this is a well know place in Rochester NY where i go with my family to shop at times.